Better Sensual Activity Through Playfulness

Even couples whose love lives are quite healthy might be interested in better sensual activity; long-term relationships often run the risk of settling into a comfortable groove that can then turn into a rut. One way for couples to keep things lively is to try letting their “inner child” out a little during their sensual activities. The better sensual activity that can result from this exploration not only is going to help improve male organ health by keeping the organ active, it may also improve the health of the relationship by enabling partners to learn more about each other.

What kind of inner child?

Getting in touch with the inner child can mean a lot of different things to different people. In the context of bringing the inner child into one’s sensual experience, it doesn’t mean introducing that part of oneself that may be petulant or demanding or always wanting his own way. It refers instead to the sense of freedom and playfulness that comes naturally to children but which adults tend to bottle up when they reach a certain age.

Bringing that playfulness into the bedroom can be liberating. It creates a new sense of excitement and adds a level of intimacy, even to relationships which are long-established.

Discussion or surprise?

Should a man spring his inner child on his partner? Or is this something that needs discussion? There’s not a right or wrong answer to that question. As with so many things, it really depends upon the specific personalities involved. In some cases, a partner may see where a man is going if he introduces childlike play into their intimacy and join him in the game. In other cases, it’s not going to work unless the partner is properly prepared.

What activities should be involved?

Again, this depends upon the individuals involved, but the general idea is to get involved in activities that bring about a sense of playfulness and free-spiritedness. In some cases, it may also bring about a sense of faux-competitiveness.

For example, pillow fights are often an excellent way to get one’s sensual juices flowing. The individuals don’t necessarily want to “win” the pillow fight so much as get the adrenaline pumping, have laughs and use the pillow fight as a way to “get going.” Laughter, growling, jumping, tickling and other reactions that grow out of the pillow fight help lead to a spirited bout of coupling.

Playing “strip” versions of games can also be fun. Strip poker is obvious, but there are other variations as well. For example, play a version of Twister in which participants must take off a different piece of clothing every time a new color is called. Play dice and have each individual pick a number. When that number is rolled, a piece of clothing comes off.

If privacy is not an issue, engage in unclothed versions of more physical games, such as tag, hide and seek or wrestling. Better sensual activity is just a quick hop, skip and jump away, as the physical activity helps release the chemicals that lead to energetic intimacy.

Naturally, utilizing the release of the inner child to achieve better sensual activity will be even more enjoyable if a man makes sure that his equipment is in good working order. This is where using a first-class male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) comes in handy. All that physical activity can help get the blood pumping, so it’s advisable to include in one’s regular routine a crème that contains the invaluable enzyme L-arginine. This ingredient plays a role in boosting nitric oxide production, which in turn helps with the all-important manhood blood flow. It also helps to make sure the crème includes neuroprotective acetyl L-carnitine. Why? Sometimes the handling of the member gets a bit too rough, which over time can lead to a loss of sensitivity in the organ. Acetyl L-carnitine helps avoid peripheral nerve damage, allowing the manhood to maintain appropriate sensation. All of which helps a man feel more playful and able to benefit from releasing his inner child.

Visit for additional information on most common manhood health issues, tips on improving member sensitivity and what to do to maintain a healthy male organ. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous websites.

Knowledge Centre – Life Changing

Why Is The Subconscious Mind Important?

The subconscious mind contains all our memory, our habits and beliefs, personality and self image. Perhaps you want to change a habit, such as smoking, or always reacting angrily when someone ‘pushes your buttons”. Maybe you wish to have better recall in exams. Or you might be challenged by low self esteem. Whatever you want to change, it is essential to change it in the subconscious mind.

But were you taught how to do that when you were at school? Were you born with a manual on how to operate your subconscious? Do you know the laws and the language of the subconscious mind? In my experience, most people answer ‘No” to those questions!

What Is The Subconscious Mind?

When you buy a computer, you acquire the hardware which is the computer screen, keyboard, disk drive and all the other bits and pieces inside. However, when you plug the computer in, it will not work without an “operating system”. The operating system is like a basic, predefined set of instructions which coordinates the use of the hardware. Once the operating system is installed, the computer comes to life and is able to perform fundamental tasks such as saving information, but more importantly, it is now able to accept further, more sophisticated programming. For instance, if you want your computer to type letters. A word processing (typing) program is required.

When you want to type a letter, you request the operating system to start this program. What then appears on the screen is a blank page, and as you type, the characters appear on the page. You may not be aware of all the billions of electronic signals which have been “programmed” by both the operating system and the word processing program to flow through the computer in a particular way so that you can type a letter. What you are consciously aware of is the image on the screen.

Sandy MacGregor

Effective And Permanent Natural Remedy For Weak Eyesight

Though, weak eyesight is the problem of aged people, there are lot of young people who also suffer the problem of eyesight. Some physical ailments can cause create problem. For example, cataract, myopia, astigmatism, macular degeneration etc. Staring at computer screens, cell phones and televisions also lead to poor eyesight and enhance the age-related optical problems. So, everyone should go after effective and permanent natural remedy for eyesight.

Natural cure for weak eyesight: There are many ways to cure eyesight. Presently, the natural treatments are accepted choice. Lots of people have achieved optimum result by using natural treatment. Here, are a few natural ways which may help to obtain powerful vision.
1. Using cucumber juice is one of the best natural ways to cure eyesight. It relieves the eyes from tiredness. Besides, consumption of I-Lite Capsule also improves eyesight.
2. Drinking plenty of water and fruit juice is another natural cure for eyesight. Fruit juices are rich source of Vitamin C which helps improving vision.
3. Eye exercises are very much essential to strengthen the eyesight and eye muscles. It is also an effective and permanent natural remedy for weak eyesight. Do the simple exercises such as visual trainings and relaxation. It helps to regain powerful eyesight naturally within a short period.
4. Diet plays very important role for enhancing eyesight. Include the foods which have anti-oxidants because research has proved that the anti-oxidants are very much efficient for improving the poor eye-vision. Carrots, green leafy vegetables and eggs are good sources of anti-oxidants. Cooking in olive oil is another effective ways for including anti-oxidants in the diet. In addition to, consuming I-Lite Capsule also offer good and effective result.
5. Amla or Indian gooseberry is considered as an effective and permanent natural remedy from eyesight. Take one tsp of amla powder and one tsp of honey to prepare a smooth paste. Consume this herbal paste twice daily, once in the morning and once at night. It is very much benefitted for the diabetic people also for improving the eyesight.
6. Take a cup of water and add one tablespoon of triphala powder. Mix it well and leave this mixture stand for half an hour. This is an effective and permanent natural remedy for eyesight.
7. Aniseeds are another natural supplement which works for improving weak eyesight. Take it once in the morning and once at night for effective result.
8. Crush two pieces of cardamom and add it to one glass of warm milk. Drink it before going to bed every night.
9. Staring at computer screen is a significant cause of eyestrain. So, give rest the eyes in every twenty minutes by looking twenty feet away for twenty seconds. And take at least 15 minutes break in every two hours.
10. Proper sleep is also an effective and permanent natural remedy for eyesight. So, try for at least seven to eight hours sound sleep every night.

Over to You: If you experience the problem of weak vision, you should take counter active steps as early as possible to stop more damage and also achieve good eyesight. Consume I-Lite Capsule for optimum result.